📨 Personal Statement 點寫?

Personal Statement 係你用嚟說服Professor 收你嘅文,理應由你自己諗,覺得得有適合嘅內容就寫落去,最緊要係夠 Personal。
但若果需要建議嘅話, 600 - 1000 字係合適嘅長度,你可以按需要加減。
如果你申請中文/中文教育之類科目,可以 Bilingual 咁寫。


  • 香港大學 - https://admissions.hku.hk/node/888
    You should upload a personal statement of no more than 1,000 words detailing your interest in applying to the University, the programme(s), etc. You will only be able to submit one personal statement regardless of the number of your programme choice(s). However, if you have indicated interest in our HKU-UCL Dual Degree Programme in Law, a separate personal statement is required.
  • 香港中文大學  https://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/application/overseas-other-qualifications-non-local-international-team/faq/
    Do I need to submit a personal statement? Is it one statement for each programme choice?

    You have to submit one personal statement with no more than 2 A4 pages telling us why you choose the programme(s) in your application.
  • 香港科技大學 https://join.hkust.edu.hk/faq [Submit your application]
    What should I write in my personal statement? 

    The personal statement is all about YOU. We expect to find in your personal statement your strengths, passion, interests, future goals, or any information you feel will interest the selection panel. Your personal statement is not restricted in format, content, length, etc.

  • 香港城市大學 https://www.cityu.edu.hk/admo/faq
    Do all programmes require applicants to submit Applicant Statements? What should be covered in an Applicant Statement?

    Applicants are required to submit an Applicant Statement for each programme that may include why you wish to study at CityUHK, your career aspirations and other information (e.g. work experience, non-academic achievements, community services) that you think is relevant to the assessment of your application.


HKU / CUHK / HKUST / CityU 會提供位置俾你上傳 Personal Statement , 而其他學校唔要求。
PolyU 需要 PS 嘅科目列表
除以上四間大學外,請喺 Other documents 度上傳(非強制)。

  • CityU 表示你必須要填寫 Applicant statement 並於繳交報名時完成,但過後你亦可用 PDF 格式上傳到 Other documents,可以被視為有效。
  • 如果您喺同一間學校報多過一科,而學校只容許你提交一份嘅,我地鼓勵按照你嘅 first choice 嚟交。
  • 您可使用同一篇 Statement 交到唔同嘅學科/學系,但如果提及學校/課程嘅,請確保您使用官方嘅學校/課程名稱,並請確保你交嘅果間大學係你篇 statement 裡面提嘅大學。建議內容要提及學校及課程,讓 admission 知道你冇交錯。
  • 過往有同學無寫仍然收到 Offer。
  • 如果你打算寫嘅可以參考以下嘅指引,但如果你決定用其他方法、想後補或者唔想寫嘅,請按自己意思做便可。我地唔會評論話「寫左一定好過唔寫」。
  • 即使你報讀嘅學系冇要求,但有可能 Referee 會想睇你嘅 Personal Statement 以決定是否推薦你,所以寫定冇壞。
  • 以上並無標準答案,請憑自己嘅判斷決定寫唔寫/點樣寫。
    • ⚠️ 請勿於 @nonjupas 群內詢問 Personal Statement 係咪一定要交 / 可否後補,亦唔好pm admin詢問。
    • 亦唔好問「我之前無寫,見到報讀嘅科目派左 Interview,應唔應該補」或者「收到 Interview 應唔應該補」。
  • PolyU 嘅大部分科目並唔要求申請人交 Personal Statement / Ref letter。 引述官網FAQ: You NEED NOT submit more documents than required as non-required documents will not be considered by departments. Please check the “Additional Documents Required” section of e-prospectus for the details.


寫文巴 @ugfn1000 有 Personal Statement consultation 服務,以下建議係 2023 年 consult得出嘅要點: ( 2024 年版

睇咗咁多篇personal statement之後,發現8成同學有個通病,就係唔夠personal。記住只有記描抒嘅文章先係personal,論說文一定唔personal。
❎因為我有好強嘅communication skills所以我適合讀XXX
→唔敍事邊個知你有幾強嘅communication skills?

如果你需要人proofread,可以講埋自己報邊間咩科,俾 @ugfn1000 望望,睇睇大路嘢啱唔啱。



Personal Statement常見問題:
答:活動唔需要關你果科事,只需要關你性格事。例如你aim finance但活動係去家庭服務中心做義工,你可以寫你因為服務小朋友同老人家而變得十分細心,有利你讀啲要對數字嘅科目。

答:寫part time唔係寫job duties為主,因為都會同人撞,unless你嘅工作係兒子/女兒。寫part time應該集中喺返工某日最深刻嘅經歷,例如有客打爛嘢你點處理等等,所以無關科系嘅工依然可以寫。


問:我冇參加活動,又冇返part time,你又叫我咪寫讀書學到咩,咁我寫咩好?

如果有其他PS相關問題隨時pm我 @ugfn1000 寫好想比我望下都可以pm。只限一般問題,深入意見需酌情收費。




As an aspiring computer scientist, I am keen to pursue a degree in Computer Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The university’s strong reputation as one of the top institutions to study this field is both inspiring and humbling.

To prepare for this academic journey, I have proactively acquired relevant knowledge, including coding skills, and dedicated time to self-study in areas like mathematics and computer science concepts. In addition, I plan to delve into Computer Science topics like Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and machine learning, broadening my skills beyond the curriculum.

Participating in extracurricular activities has played a crucial role in my personal development. While my experiences with 3D printing and robotics workshops were valuable, it was working on a drone that sparked my interest in applying scientific principles to develop useful products. This experience ignited a passion for creating applications or even organizing drone performances in the future.

Throughout my academic career, I have developed a passion for understanding how technology operates and works on multiple levels. My studies have provided me with enough knowledge to begin work on coding projects as well as experience working in both Mac OS X and Windows environment. In addition, I have gained exposure with multiple programming languages such as Python, C++, Java, etc. which have helped me build the confidence necessary to continue advancing in the field. 

My goal is to continue enriching my technical skills while also exploring new theories in computer science through research and projects. Participating in various related extracurricular activities, competitions,and hackatons has enabled me to gain further insight into problem-solving approach’s within the discipline, allowing me to experiment more effectively with innovative solutions. 

Upon graduation, I envision myself working as a Software Engineer, engaging in projects, securing internships, and expanding my horizons internationally within five years.

I believe the courses offered by HKUST will help develop my existing strengths and provide the flexibility needed for personal growth within this subject area whereas its practical applications equipped with modern technological resources will allow for independent initiatives leading towards research opportunities that capture my interests deeply. If admitted to your program, I would channel a significant portion of my time into academics, exploring potential collaborations with school projects or competitions to enhance both my academic and practical skills. I believe that pursuing this program is a great fit for me due to its prestige and outreach within Asia Pacific region providing an excellent pathway towards pursuing higher academic goals in future if desired as well. 

建立日期: 2022-07-03