<For Non JUPAS & Postgraduate (Master / TPg / RPg / PGDE / PhD...) >
對於 Undergraduate 收生而言,即使系統有欄位畀您填多過一個推薦人,但一封推薦信其實已經足夠。
至於對 Postgraduate 學生而言,請按照官方網站上嘅指示提交。如果佢話一封嘅,交多都唔會幫到手,但部分科目指明要求兩封。
HKU / CUHK / HKUST 喺申請時會叫填寫推薦人嘅電郵;
HKU 於提交報名表格後,不能更改推薦人資料,但過後仍可以用 upload document 嘅形式上傳。
CUHK 需要於付款後再交人名;系統容許你後補。 Supporting documents 部分可以畀你上傳 reference letter,但為確保信嘅內容無被修改,我哋建議你唔需要上傳檔案,並由推薦人上傳。
其他學校嘅可以 Upload 喺 other documents 度。除咗以上三間學校之外,過往觀察顯示其他學校唔太睇 Reference letter。
往年有同學無寫都照收到 Offer,自己衡量風險
若報讀嘅學校無要求你交,你仍然可以於 Other Documents 嘅位置度上傳,令學校更清楚地了解你,但以上非必須嘅。
Dear _____,
I am currently applying for the ______ program in ______, and I am hoping you could provide a reference for me.
If you don't mind, I will invite you through email to their systems later this week.
Attached is my current resume.
Please let me know if you need any additional information to act as a reference on my behalf.
Thank you so much for considering my request.
Dear Professor Xxx,
I am writing to sincerely request you to be my referee for the application for xxx, a xxx programme offered by Xxx.
My name is xxx. I majored in Xxx and I graduated from Xxx in 20xx. My final year project was about xxx. It was great that you were my advisor/professor of xxxxx course. Your practical comments helped me improve my dissertation/paper a lot. Honestly, I have a genuine interest in xxxxx field. I remain active in xxx field.
The Graduate School requires applicants to provide the information of their referees. The application system will invite the applicants’ referees to submit the references online. I would be grateful if you would kindly agree to be my referee. I look forward to receiving a positive reply from you.
Best wishes,
喺大專,老師同個別學生互動嘅機會互動比較少。有時佢地會想幫你寫 Reference letter , 但對你嘅認識又唔夠深,所以偶然會有導師叫學生自己先寫好初稿再由老師簽署,或者你講出自己嘅優點再由佢寫。
本文下面有Sample,如果unsure點樣改,可以telegram揾 @ugfn1000 幫你。
請客觀地講出自己嘅優點(內容必須係真嘅),並以第三人稱描寫。內容無標準格式。一般而言, 300 - 500字嘅英文係合適嘅,而你可以按自己需要自由加減。
教過你嘅老師或者 Program Leader(中學都可以)、工作上司,或者喺教育機構入面你認為合適嘅人。
(e.g. A老師同我熟啲,但B老師職位高啲/我喺B老師嘅課堂高分啲/B老師教嘅科目同我報讀嘅科目關聯較大...)
唔係好熟唔緊要,因為邀請佢推薦你嘅時候你都會附哂你所有嘅背景介紹,所以唔熟你都寫到,可以問。如果你唔清楚你邀請佢推薦你所附嘅資訊齊唔齊全,可以揾telegram @ugfn1000 幫你望望。
問過第二個囉。如果問過晒都真係無嘅,您仍然符合資格申請 Non JUPAS 而有機會獲派位。
請先檢查系統睇下佢交咗未(適用於 HKU / CUHK / HKUST),如果未嘅請禮貌地提醒推薦人。 一般嚟講,建議預留四個禮拜時間畀佢寫。
Counsellor, supervisor, lecturer, teacher, school principal
To Whom It May Concern,
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to demonstrate my endorsement of 你個名, who is currently studying Applied Social Science at Hong Kong Community College.
I have had the privilege of being 你個名's lecturer for the past two years and during that time I have been impressed not only by his academic achievements, but also by his commitment to volunteering and teaching others.
你個名 is an outstanding student with great passion for learning and enthusiasm for sociological studies. In class, he persists in asking questions and seeks for knowledge beyond the scope of lectures. This clearly shows his dedication, curiosity and strength in exploring new topics all related to social research.
Outside of class, 你個名 has also volunteered for Red Cross in secondary school, exhibiting a strong philanthropic spirit which demonstrates his commitment to helping those in need regardless of his own personal obligations. His current job as part-time tutor clearly demonstrates his gift in working with students with special education needs successfully so that everyone can benefit from learning alongside him.
Having seen such qualities in 你個名, I strongly believe he is fully equipped to handle more complex work relating to sociology and would make a valuable addition to any university graduate programme they choose to pursue.
1. 可自由加減內容,想改咩就改咩,唔好問「可唔可以加xxx」
2. 如果無適合就唔好 Attach,唔好問我「無呢樣/嗰樣得唔得」
3. 我唔識你個 Lecturer , 我唔知佢心入面會諗咩,大路方向教咗你,但實際上要點做你自己諗
4. Year 1 嘅同學剛剛入學都可以照問 Lecturer 拎,佢哋未必會應承但唔問咗唔會有負面影響
5. 私下(親身/Email)問咗 Lecturer 同意先好填佢資料落 System 度,直接填好無禮貌
6. 如果啱用嘅,入嚟 @nonjupas 講聲多謝